

Free Health Consultation

This informative and free 20-minute call is the first step. It allows us to discuss your current health challenges and goals and to determine whether functional nutrition is right for you. 

Introductory Package

Basic Nutrition Consultation

This introductory package is ideal for clients who just have some basic health and nutrition questions or concerns and it consists of 2 appointments.

The package begins with a 90-minute initial interview where we address your health concerns and your health goals. We also discuss your medical/family history, current medications, detailed symptom information, and assessment results. I will have you get started upgrading your foods or experimenting with some foods or lifestyle habits.

About 1-2 weeks later, your second appointment will be 30-45 minutes and we will work together to design a personalized dietary and lifestyle protocol to get you started heading towards your health goals. 


3 month protocol with diet and lifestyle recommendations and

12 weeks of text support


Follow Up Sessions and Packages

In our follow up sessions, we will review progress, conduct any reassessments as needed, adjust your dietary plan if needed, and update your personalized plan.

$50 per follow up session

Follow up session packages are available at a reduced rate of $175 for 4 sessions or $300 for 8 sessions.

Comprehensive Programs

These programs allow us to work together more intensively to help you make forward, focused progress toward your health goals. 

Nutritional Therapy with Mineral Balancing


People who are serious about understanding what their body needs and getting their health back on track.


If you are tired all the time, have digestive problems, and are struggling to lose weight, then this is the program for you.

Questions hair testing can answer:

  • Is your metabolism is running slow or fast and what kind of diet would be right for you.
  • Is your weight loss stalled because thyroid hormones  can’t get into your cells and work properly.
  • Just how much stress have you been under and what is it going to take to get you back your vitality and energy.


  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (sent right to your home)
  • 60 minute initial consultation
  • 60 minute consultation to review your results
  • 12 week game plan personalized for your body and needs
  • An eating plan designed for your metabolism
  • 12 weeks of text support
  • Personalized supplement recommendations


Nutritional Therapy with  Stress Testing


People who are exhausted and feel like they are barely getting by.


If your main concern is lack of energy/vitality, depression, and digestive problems, then this is a good package for you.

  • You still tired no matter how much sleep you get.
  • Sometimes you feel wired but deep down you also feel exhausted.
  • You  have digestive problems.
  • You are depressed and/or anxious and have lost your libido.


  • An adrenal stress hormone test panel. (A saliva test sent to your home.)
  • 60 minute initial consultation
  • 60 minute consultation to review your results
  • 3 month game plan personalized based on your body needs
  • 12 weeks of text support
  • Personalized diet and supplement recommendations.


Hormone Reset




People struggling with hormone issues like lack of libido, menstrual disorders, PMS, PMDD, PCOS, infertility, or menopause.


This program is a deep dive into your hormones, digestion, and your body’s ability to handle stress.

  • You are having hormonal health issues or concerns.
  • You are exhausted or tired all the time.
  • You suffer from low libido.
  • You suffer from issues surrounding your cycle like bloating, and breast tenderness.
  • You have PMS or have been diagnosed or suspect you have PMDD or PCOS.
  • You struggle with infertility or have had miscarriages.


  • A DUTCH Complete hormone and organic acids test (a urine test sent to your home)
  • 60 minute initial consultation
  • 60 minute consultation to review your results
  • 3 month personalized protocol
  • 2 week check-in
  • 4 week check-in
  • 8 week check-in
  • 12 week check-in and review


Have a question?

Reach out!

6 + 15 =


Patty – Idaho

“I saw a positive difference in the way I felt after making a few changes in my diet. Kimberly was very knowledgeable and  helped me learn valuable information that helped me understand what foods I was consuming that were causing me discomfort. After making the suggested changes, I have much less abdominal bloating, cravings for breads and pastas are significantly less, I’ve lost a few lbs. and now have much more energy.”

Danielle Reese

“If you are struggling with becoming healthier, or with any kind of health issue. I HIGHLY recommend seeing Kimberly at Discover a Healthier You. She is highly informative and takes a holistic approach to help restore your health. She has helped steer me in the right direction and has taken a true deep dive into all of my health issues and concerns. She takes health seriously and really ensures that you feel supported through your journey to restored health. She works to get to the root cause of symptoms and how to correct those symptoms through nutritional therapy and supplements. She has changed my outlook on my approach to my health.”

Monica Cervantes

“I am so grateful to this amazing woman who has changed my life for the better. Making lifestyle changes is not easy and can be super frustrating but with Kimberly’s expertise and guidance I was able to find a path that worked perfectly for me. “

Book a Free Consultation

A free 20-minute consultation where you can share you health concerns and goals.

You can ask questions and we will explore whether we are a good fit.